US Cyber Range – K-12

The U.S. Cyber Range of Virginia Tech provides cloud-based infrastructure for educators to offer tailorable hands-on cybersecurity training and education in order increase the number of skilled cybersecurity experts across all sectors. The Maryland Institute of Innovative Computing, in partnership with Virginia Tech, offers Maryland K-12 public school systems access to the U.S. Cyber Range free of cost to the counties themselves. The Maryland legislature set aside funds to cover these costs and provide efficient access to this important resource. The Cyber Range’s cloud-based sandbox environment makes it possible for students to build cybersecurity skills in a real-world setting causing no risk to outside network resources or local applications and requires no additional infrastructure investment. The cloud-based infrastructure also allows for thousands of simultaneous users to be accommodated in the same time block and provides for flexible account management.

Maryland K-12 has adopted the TeachCyber curriculum, which was developed in concert with the National Cryptologic Foundation. The curriculum is available through the U.S. Cyber Range. TeachCyber is a non-profit dedicated to developing, supporting, and stewarding excellent cybersecurity education. Teachers wishing to utilize the range in the classroom must be trained in the TeachCyber curriculum. This training helps teachers learn more about the curriculum guidelines, how the curriculum units progress, and how to use the range effectively.

As of August 2023 thirteen counties have joined the range, including: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, Kent, Prince George’s, Washington, and Worcester counties. Additionally, at least 42 teachers have been trained in TeachCyber.

Process for joining the range:

  • Sign three-party agreement between MIIC (as payor) – Virginia Tech (who provides assurances regarding accessibility, FERPA obligations, data protection and incident response, etc.) – and the Maryland public school system. To see the most recent version of the agreement, please contact us and we will send it for your review.
  • Assign institutional cyber range administrator to invite teachers trained in TeachCyber, review billing to ensure the range is used properly, and monitor course enrollment and usage.



Baltimore County Public Schools Joins the Cyber Range

MIIC announces that BCPS has joined the Cyber Range

The Maryland Institute for Innovative Computing (MIIC) is pleased to announce that Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) is now the newest member of the Maryland Education Cyber Range initiative,...

Posted: August 23, 2023, 4:04 PM